The Sparkler Effect

Why do people get so excited and motivated toward something and then fizzle out?

I call this the Sparkler Effect.

Anyone can buy a sparkler firework. They’re easy to come by (especially during the 4th of July). As a kid, these were the coolest fireworks. I can remember when I first held a sparkler in my hand. As it was lit, you first heard the SIZZLE….CRACK… POP….as the firework combusts in your hand it spits out these small lights of fire right before your eyes. As a kid, you’re holding on for dear life, your heart is beating fast, and you’re memorized by the flames of fire shooting out inches from your fingertips. It’s the most exhilarating feeling…for a minute… and then before you know it, it’s gone and you’re running towards your parents asking them for another one.

The ability to integrate something new into our current routines can be compared to that of a sparkler. We get excited about starting something new. We buy a gym subscription, we get new workout clothes, and then something happens…

We go to the gym a handful of times, we lose track of counting calories, we say I’ll work out tomorrow, or I ran out of time today, or I’ll eat this today but I won’t eat anything else bad for the remainder of the week. Sound familiar?

Commitment, Consistency, and Execution are the core principles of discipline, and unpacking each of these takes time. Commitment and Consistency are keys to unlocking true discipline. What I am going to share below will help you stay committed and consistent so execution is easier.

You need to set yourself up for success each day by utilizing forward thinking. What can you do today that prepares you to easily transition into the new part of your routine for tomorrow? For this example, I will stick with the theme of going to the gym and eating healthy.

Examples are packing your gym bag the night before, setting your alarm to go to bed, and placing your phone in another room so you have to get up to turn it off. Prepping your meals for the next day so you can grab and go, and you're not tempted to waiver from your diet. Setting your vitamins out by your morning coffee mug so they are ready to go. Have the coffee ready to brew and the timer set so it’s done when you wake up. Place your gym bag by the door with your keys, wallet, and shoes.

The key to not fizzling out is the ability to make the new task fit into your routine feel seamless. By doing this, you’re not getting your adrenaline going because you need to remember to pack your bag, make coffee, prep your breakfast or lunch. You’re not rushing around. You’re prepared. By getting things done the day before, you don’t have to think and scramble. You can be on auto pilot and relaxed. Just like a kid holding the sparkler, it’s exciting and it’s new. Your emotions are heightened because it’s different and there is uncertainty you need to account for, but by eliminating the uncertainty, the situation is calm and relaxed. Seamless. Forward Thinking For Future Success!

Make Today Count!

