Believe It

Unlocking Your Unstoppable Self

You know that feeling when you’re working hard, trying to turn a dream into reality, and then—wham!—rejection after rejection keeps hitting you like a game of dodgeball? Well, Jamie Kern Lima’s Believe IT: How to Go from Underestimated to Unstoppable is like the ultimate guidebook for dodging those blows and turning them into your power-ups. This book isn’t just another feel-good pep talk; it’s a raw, honest, and empowering story about overcoming doubts, ignoring the naysayers, and building something bigger than your biggest dreams.

Starting at the Bottom (And I Mean The Bottom)

Jamie’s story kicks off from a humble place that many of us can relate to: starting at the bottom. Like, really at the bottom. She went from being a news anchor—dealing with the struggles of rosacea and skin issues—to launching a beauty brand from her living room floor. Talk about a major leap of faith! And here’s the kicker: she did it with no big-shot investors, no celebrity endorsements, and absolutely no guarantee it would work.

Her skin issues led to a lot of rejection in the beauty industry. Ironically, brands that promote “real beauty” told her “real” skin problems were too real for them. But instead of throwing in the towel, she decided to create a brand that would redefine beauty standards.

Rejection is Just Redirection

One of the standout messages in Believe IT is how Jamie handles rejection. And when I say rejection, I’m talking about a decade-long parade of “No’s.” I’m talking major retailers shutting doors in her face, investors laughing off her pitches, and industry leaders calling her product “not innovative enough.” Most people would crumble under that pressure—or at least pack up their dreams and go home.

But Jamie reframed every “No” as a “Not yet.” It was a redirection, a sign she was on the wrong path to the right destination. If she’d given up when one investor told her “I don’t believe women will buy makeup from someone who looks like you,” the world wouldn’t have IT Cosmetics—one of the top-selling beauty brands out there.

The Power of Why

What kept her going wasn’t just a desire to sell makeup—it was her why. Jamie knew she wasn’t creating just another cosmetic product. She was on a mission to change the beauty industry and help every woman feel seen, confident, and beautiful in her own skin. This “why” was so strong, it became her anchor when the waves of rejection tried to pull her under.

In the book, she talks about how your why is your biggest asset when chasing your dreams. You can have all the strategy and resources in the world, but without a strong why, you’ll get lost. Jamie’s why gave her the guts to keep pushing when the experts called her crazy.

Authenticity is a Superpower

If you’ve ever felt pressured to tone yourself down, blend in, or put on a persona to “make it,” Jamie’s story is a giant permission slip to show up exactly as you are. For years, she struggled to get on QVC (a popular shopping network) because everyone wanted polished and perfect—and she didn’t fit that mold. When she finally got her shot, she decided to be herself.

Instead of hiding her rosacea or using models with perfect skin, she shared her own struggles and showed how her products worked in real-time. It was a game-changer. People saw themselves in her story, and IT Cosmetics sold out within minutes. Moral of the story? Your authenticity is your secret sauce. Own it, and watch it work magic.

Know When to Let Go

Now, here’s where Jamie’s journey takes an unexpected turn. After years of blood, sweat, and tears, she decided to sell IT Cosmetics to L’Oreal for a whopping $1.2 billion. But the decision wasn’t easy. It’s like giving up your baby after raising it through the roughest years.

She talks candidly about this in the book, explaining that sometimes, letting go is a form of moving forward. It’s about recognizing when you’ve taken something as far as you can and being willing to pass the baton so it can reach new heights.

The big lesson here? Success doesn’t mean holding onto everything forever. It’s knowing when to make the right choice for yourself and your dreams, even if it feels like a loss.

Belief is a Muscle, Not a Magic Wand

The biggest takeaway from Believe IT is that belief isn’t a magic potion that makes your dreams come true overnight. It’s a muscle you have to work on and build every day. Whether that’s facing rejection, leaning into your authenticity, or holding tight to your why, believing in yourself is something you grow into. Jamie didn’t wake up one day fully confident. She struggled, she doubted, but she kept going.

So, if you’re looking for a book that’ll push you to reach for more—Believe IT is your go-to guide. Jamie’s story is proof that being underestimated can be your superpower, and what others see as your weaknesses can actually be the thing that makes you unstoppable.


Amber Trusik

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